Discover Formula to Your First Career!
We believe every graduate or person deserves the chance to be successful in pursuing their life goal. We offer a comprehensive range of services designed to equip graduates or university students with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to excel in your future careers. This interactive workshop equips you with the essential skills and knowledge to navigate the job market with confidence. Gain valuable insights on exploring career options, crafting a winning resume and cover letter, acing interviews, and much more. Invest in your future and join us for this empowering workshop!
Learning outcomes:
Discover Job Opportunities
Understand Interview Procedures and Etiquette
Craft Effective Resumes and Cover Letters
Develop Professional Appearance and Communication Skills
Whether you’re a freshman just starting your academic journey or a senior preparing to enter the job market, our team of experienced coaches and mentors is here to support you every step of the way.
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,
Saya Iqbal Ilyas Bin Mohd Nordin, Ketua Exco Akademik & Intelektual Rakan Siswa YADIM Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia.
Kami bercadang untuk menawarkan program ini kepada pelajar tahun 1 hingga 4 sarjana muda. Saya berminat untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut berkaitan program
dan yuran penyertaan bagi setiap pelajar.
Terima kasih.
W’salam. Terima kasih kerana menghubungi pihak Career Cube. Untuk pertanyaan lanjut berkenaan program, boleh hubungi pihak admin di talian 019-3590012.